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mySaúdeAçores – The new platform for accessing primary healthcare
mySaúdeAçores – The new platform for accessing primary healthcare
The new mySaúdeAçores platform is available to all users in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in the form of a mobile application and a web portal.   Part of the Digital Hospital project, developed by the Regional Secretariat for Health and Social Sec...
IRS 2024: Deadline for Invoice Registration and Validation
IRS 2024: Deadline for Invoice Registration and Validation
RIAC provides, in all its shops, taxpayer support services for consulting, registering, and verifying invoices on from the e-fatura platform of the Autoridade Tributária AT (Tax Authority).   February 25 is the deadline set by the Tax Authority to regist...
IRS 2024: Deadline for Changes to the Household Composition
IRS 2024: Deadline for Changes to the Household Composition
If your household composition changed in 2024, please note that the deadline to report it to the Autoridade Tributária – AT (Tax Authority) is February 17.   For tax purposes, the household composition to be considered is the one that was in place on D...